The teaching of the Buddha is seen as a Way of Reconciliation with wondrous all-encompassing existence just right as it is, i.e. as it truly is beyond our commonly limited and biased personal experience of it - the purpose of Advayavada Buddhism is i.o.w. to help us become a true part of the whole. It is further reminiscent of Zen and Spinozism, but also of Panentheism, Immanentism, and Transhumanism. The application of the aforegoing in daily life is the main topic of the Advayavada Network.
Another objective of the Network is to actively help uncover and develop the vast underlying secular and impartial common ground shared by all people without exception everywhere in the world. Abundant uncontaminated and fertile common ground is essential for multiculturalism to succeed.
For more details visit the website mentioned below. We expect your contribution to the Network to be friendly, to the point and constructive. Please introduce yourself and invite your friends to join. See Settings for more information.
All our initiatives are based further on the general principles of 1) the secular state; 2) a multicultural society; 3) liberal democratic government; 4) the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; 5) gender equality and education for all; 6) fair trading and sharing; 7) non-violence and peace; 8) Common Ground conflict resolution*; 9) the care for health and environment; and 10) international cooperation and solidarity.
* "First our common ground, then our religion or belief."