Dear friends,
This week (31) we again survey the 8fold path that eliminates the cause of suffering.
Kind regards,
John Willemsens
Advayavada Foundation
For more information about Advayavada Buddhism see:
Dear friends,
This week (31) we again survey the 8fold path that eliminates the cause of suffering.
Kind regards,
John Willemsens
Advayavada Foundation
Dear friends,
This week (30) we further deepen our understanding that ignorant craving is the real cause of suffering.
Kind regards,
John Willemsens
Advayavada Foundation
Dear friends,
This week (3-16-29-42) we again study the ubiquity of suffering (duhkha) as thoroughly as possible.
Kind regards,
John Willemsens
Advayavada Foundation
Dear friends,
This week (28) we again study the selflessness (anatmata, nisvabhava) of all things as thoroughly as possible.
Kind regards,
John Willemsens
Advayavada Foundation
Dear friends,
This week (27) we again study the impermanence (aniccata/anityata) of all things as thoroughly as possible.
anitya (Skt.) impermanent, changeable, unstable; one of the three (in Advayavada Buddhism, four) signs or marks or basic facts of being; the Buddhist anityata doctrine teaches that impermanence or changeability is one of the fundamental properties of everything existing, without which existence (and liberation) would not be possible.
Kind regards,
John Willemsens
Advayavada Foundation