Monday, 30 March 2009

Advayavada Study Plan - week 14


This week we again have the first preliminary subject of our Study Plan: the First Sign of Being, i.e. the first fact of life: omnia mutantur, everything changes, the impermanence and changeability of everything, of all existents, including ourselves.

Actual and potential change are the most important aspects of pratityasamutpada, interdependent origination, meaning that 'all causes are effects and all effects are causes', which is the universal dynamic principle of existence.

The purpose of the ASP is that we study and discuss the meaning and implications of the weekly subject particularly in the context of whatever we ourselves are presently doing or are concerned with, or about, such as our health, relationships, work, study, and our place and responsibilities in the group, sangha, society at large, etc.

Tip: Write down this week's subject (e.g. 'impermanence') in your pocket diary!

John Willemsens,
Advayavada Foundation.

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