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Tuesday, 23 June 2009
Progress and evolution
Evolution is an ontological fact and progress is an epistemological concept. What we say is that human beings experience as progress that which accords with the overall course of Nature, including, of course, evolution. (From the Questions and Answers section of our website)
I am a co-founder and the current chairman of the Advayavada Foundation and the director of its mouthpiece, the Advayavada Buddhism Information Center. I was born in Eindhoven in the Netherlands on March 6th, 1934, but grew up in Argentina, where I lived from 1939 until 1964 (in Buenos Aires and the Chaco). In Dutch, I published Tao is de weg (poetry) in 1987, then a new version of Lao-tzu's Tao Te Ching (Bres, Amsterdam 1990), and in 1994 and 1996 two editions of a translation of Chapter 8 of Sir Edwin Arnold's The Light of Asia. Although a second-hand copy of T.R.V. Murti's The Central Philosophy of Buddhism had already triggered my specific ideas about non-dual Buddhism on August 12th, 1986 [and I was reading Alan Watts and D.T. Suzuki long before that], I only became a Buddhist formally [at the Amsterdam Buddhavihara] on October 8th, 1995.
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